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benefits of food
Nov 04, 2015

Benefits of Chestnuts


Hlasujte za môj blog v ankete Bloger roka 2017

Winter is coming and that means it is the season for roasted chestnuts! I love being outside on a cold night roasting chestnuts over a stove. The other reason I love roasted chestnuts is because they are also full of benefits. 

High in Fibre

Chestnuts are high in fibre which is an important nutrient for your digestive health and also for lowering your blood cholesterol levels. 100g  of chestnuts contains over 5g of fibre

Improve Brain Function and Skin Health

They are also a good source of B Vitamins which are important nutrients for maintaining healthy skin and improving your brain function. B Vitamins also help produce red blood cells and are needed to help your body break down food for energy

Source of Vitamins and  Minerals

Chestnuts contain lots of vitamins and minerals that you need. For example they are a good source of Vitamin C (100g has over 70% of your daily requirements), magnesium, copper and potassium. This means they are good for your immune system, circulation and for building strong teeth and bones

Protect you against Cancer and Heart Disease

Chestnuts are an excellent source of manganese, which is an important antioxidant. This means that it helps protect your body against diseases like cancer and heart disease. Manganese can also help reduce the signs of ageing

Low in Fat

They are different to other nuts because they are actually low in fat. This means that chestnuts are  lower in calories and only contain half the calories of other nuts. One chestnut contains about 20 calories, so they make a great snack for these cold winter evenings!


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