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benefits of food
Nov 11, 2015

Benefits of Poppyseeds


Hlasujte za môj blog v ankete Bloger roka 2017

Poppy seeds are a great ingredient to add to food as it gives a taste that I love. For example I have them with morning porridge or I add them when I am making banana bread. However, poppy seeds also have benefits as well. Read the article to find out what they are

Full of Minerals

1 tsp of poppy seeds contains 4% of your daily requirements for both calcium and phosphorus (these are needed for healthy bones). It also has 2% of your daily requirement of iron and 3% of your requirement of zinc. All these minerals are important to keep you fit and healthy


High fibre diets are important for healthy digestion and can also reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. 1 tbsp of poppy seeds contains nearly 2g of fibre, which is nearly 10% of your daily requirements

Contain Healthy Fats

Poppy seeds are a great source of Omega 6 and Omega 9 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are needed by your body to function properly and you can only get them from food or supplements. They can also help reduce the risk of heart disease and other illnesses

Good for the skin

The essential fatty acids in poppy seeds are also great for your skin as well. They can help keep your skin healthy and reduce skin problems like eczema. You can even make a natural face mask from poppy seeds!


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