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Oct 27, 2015

How much Sugar is in your Drink?


Hlasujte za môj blog v ankete Bloger roka 2017

When people come to me for help with their diets one of the main things I look at is what they drink. This is because people can have a perfect diet but they may be wasting all their hard work by not being careful about what they drink.

In an earlier article I said that people should try and limit added sugar to a maximum of 25-35g per day. Cutting drinks that are full of added sugar is one of the easiest ways to cut calories from your diet. That is why I have made a list of some of the most common drinks and the amount of added sugar they contain:

1 can (330ml) Coca Cola 39g - 140 calories

1 can (250ml) Red Bull 27g - 110 calories

1 can (500ml) Monster 52g - 210 calories

1 bottle (500ml) Kofola 40g - 165 calories

1 bottle (500ml) Vinea 47g - 190 calories

1 serving (250ml) Flavoured Water 19g - 180 calories

As you can see having one or two of these a day can add a lot of extra


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