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Hydrolysed Marine Collagen 210g

40,00 €

100% Pure Collagen (210g - a month supply) - Promotes healthier skin, hair, joints and bones



Our Collagen is a natural, marine and unique health ingredient.

It is produced from 100% fish skins which are as rich in proline and hydroxyproline as bone skins.

Our collagen is colourless, odourless, tasteless, excellent dissolutoin.

Our collagen is produced from raw materials selected for:
  • high quality standards
  • amino-acids composition / sequence


Skin benefits - anti aging, hydration, anti-inflamantory skin care

Prevents aging

Healthy bones and joints


Kolagén nie je nič nové; je to tá najbežnejšia bielkovina v našom tele a je to hlavná stavebná zložka pre pokožku, vlasy a kĺby.

Naše telo prirodzene produkuje kolagén, ale s pribúdajúcimi rokmi sa produkcia kolagénu spomaľuje. Spomínaný pokles kolagénu je jedným z hlavných faktorov, ktorý spôsobuje viditeľné známky starnutia.

Pridávanie kolagénu denne do našej stravy môže pomôcť omladiť, podporiť a pomôcť posilniť našu pokožku, vlasy, nechty a kĺby. Môže tiež zlepšiť pružnosť pleti, vyhladiť hladké jemné vrásky, podporiť rast vlasov a ich hrúbku a zlepšiť kvalitu nechtov a ich štiepanie. Kolagén tiež pomáha s hydratáciou pokožky a podporuje jej odolnosť, pomáha pleti udržiavať jej vlhkosť pre celkovú hladkosť a jemnosť. Napokon existuje výškum dokazujúci, že doplnenie kolagénu môže pomôcť znížiť chronické bolesti kĺbov, pretože pomáha znižovať degradáciu kostí a kĺbov.


Nahradením chýbajúceho kolagénu v našom tele Hydrolyzovaným rybím kolagénom Jana Earl, môžeme dať nášmu telu pomoc, ktorú potrebuje.

Náš kolagén je prírodný produkt, ktorý obsahuje jedinečnú zmes esenciálnych aminokyselín, ktoré naše telo potrebuje, aby bola naša pleť zdravá a naše vlasy a nechty silné. Keďže je náš kolagén hydrolyzovaný, ľahko sa rozpúšťa vo vode a je efektívnejšie absorbovaný v tele.

Vybrali sme kolagén tej najvyššej kvality, ktorý umožňuje jednoduché užitie a jeho maximálne využitie v tele. Tiež sme sa uistili, že náš kolagén obsahuje len čistý 100% rybí kolagén, čo zabezpečí získanie čo najviac možných výhod.

Add one (7g) serving to 300ml cold or warm water. Due to the high grade of the collagen it will easily dissolve when stirred. It does not require any additional flavouring or heating prior to drinking (you can add lemon juice to your collagen). Drink on an empty stomach at least 15 minutes before eating.

Ingredients: 100% Hydrolysed marine collagen (Type 1)

Per 100gPer 7g Serving
Energy 381 Kcal 27 Kcal
Saturated Fat0g0g


Austria (courier GLS) 10 €

Belgium (courier GLS) 13 €

Bulgaria (courier GLS) 13 €

Croatia (courier GLS) 10 €

Czech Republic (courier GLS) 7 €

Denmark (courier GLS) 15 €

France (courier GLS) 15 €

Germany (courier GLS) 13 €

Great Britain (courier GLS) 8 €

Hungary (courier GLS) 10 €

Ireland (courier GLS) 15 €

Italy (courier GLS) 15 €

Luxembourg (courier GLS) 13 €

Netherland (courier GLS) 13 €

Poland (courier GLS) 13 €

Romania (courier GLS) 10 €

Slovakia (courier GLS) 3.8 € (for orders above 100€ delivery price is 0 €)

Slovenia (courier GLS) 10 €

Zuzana Murínová

Zuzana Murínová: Your collagen is perfect. I've been ordering it from you almost a year now. Finally I have my own nails very strong and pretty and they don't break. My hair is stronger and they grow quickly too. They don't fall out anymore and I used to have with this a huge problem. That is why I decided to combine your collagen with the Hair drops and I believe it'll be even better. Thank you.

Jana Drobná

Jana Drobná: I use Jana Earl collagen about 3 weeks now and I have to say that I can already see the results. I love running but lately I started feeling pain in my knees and my joints. Now I can say that the pain is gone and my hair is healthier, thicker and stopped falling out. My nails are not breaking anymore and they are better quality. My skin is smoother, hydrated and its more flexed. I am really thankful and happy that this little miracle exists. I really recommend Jana Earl collagen, because it really does amazing job.

Janka Čerbová

Janka Čerbová: I have been using Jana Earl Collagen for 3 months now and the results are amazing. After I stopped taking contraception, which I was taking for 6 years, my skin got quite bad. It got quite infected and it looked very dull so I was looking for something that could help me. I am really grateful and happy that I tried this collagen as my skin is glowing and its not problematic anymore. I recommend it to everyone. Its perfect! Thank you.

Markéta Polonyiova Sklenářová

Markéta Polonyiova Sklenářová: I would like to thank you! Your collagen literally got me back on my feet. I had 3 operations on my back and I am functioning without medication!! I have taken 2 packs of your collagen and I feel relieved and pain is almost gone. I can't put price on this as I have 2 children, a house and garden and can do all the work I need to. I did not expect to feel the difference in such short period of time. And I have not even mentioned the fact that I am 39 and my skin is like a little baby. Thank you!

Michaela Gálusová

Michaela Gálusová: I take Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Jana Earl for about 3 months now and I can tell that my hair and my nails grow faster and are healthier. Hair is thicker and my nails were breaking but that stopped now. When it comes to the skin, I believe it is more firm. I definitely recommend it.

Katarína Irena Dančová

Katarína Irena Dančová: I take Jana Earl Hydrolysed Collagen every morning before my breakfast, where I add so needed nutrients into my diet. Ever since I take this collagen I do not have problems with my knees anymore, which used to be sore when I didn't move for a while, for example while travelling, and they also used to make cracking noise. Sitting down used to be absolute agony for me and when I exercised they used to hurt a lot. I am running out of this amazing product now so I will be stocking up soon as I cannot imagine my day to day functioning without it anymore. I also drink green coffee every day, I love them both. Green coffee gives me energy for functioning at the college.

Renata Kabátová

Renata Kabátová: After only a week of using Jana Earl Hydrolysed Collagen i cut myself with my own nail. I was very surprised as my nails have been always weak and I already made my peace with it. I really enjoy all the nail varnishing now and all the manicure which I never used to do for that reason. I can't say much about the hair as they are short and thick. Just the thought how quickly the results came with the nails, imagine what it can do sore knees of my mum (who is 70). Definitely a Christmas present for my parents!

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